Postgraduate Studies

The reason why I would do a postgraduate study is mainly because the more information and experience you can get is better, especially if you like whatever you want to study. If I had to take a postgrade study I'd probably choose something related to mental health because it's what I like the most, and also because I don't think that taking your studies to another level is worth if you don't like or enjoy the subject, doing something like that is useless, in my opinion.

I'd love to study in another country if I get the chance, I don't like the way that education works in Chile at all, in all levels, so if I decide to study after getting my degree I'd look forward to do it somewhere else that's not Chile. And I'd like to study presentially, because I want to also practice my english if I can, so the fact that everthing doesn't have to be online would help me a lot since interacting with people is a little difficult to me, and the online factor makes it even harder in that aspect.

Right now, taking a postgraduate study is not something that catches my attention, I'm a lot more interested in finishing my degree first of all, and then start thinking about other things, but fot the time being, I don't even know what kind of postgraduate studies exist.


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