English language challenges

Learning english in the university was way more entertaining than it was in school. the high amount of participation of every member of the class was really interesting, even though it was kinda forced. I believe that the classes are more interesting, funny and communicative in general, so I'm looking forward to have english another semester, but not online. The blogs were interesting at first, the topics that we had to write about were easier to extend in terms of words, but after some time it became more like an extra weight that wasn't that necessary, I get the idea of practicing writing, expand our vocabulary and exercising what is teached in classes, but it gets to a point were it's boring.

My pronunciation is not bad, but is not as good as I would like it to be, so that's what I'll try to improve in the future. The only way that I'm practicing my pronunciation right now is by listening and singing songs in english, and I don't know how much it really helps, maybe I'll start conversating with some people that have an english level similar to what I have. 

The only way that I'm using english these days is when playing videogames, I try to put the dialogs, audio, and text in english and find word that I don't understand or that I don't even know they existed. The problem is that during the semester there aren't many spaces where I get to play without concerning about texts, classes or tests, so I hope that after the semester ends I get more time to play again.


  1. I used to play video games... that really helped me to learn english :)


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