My holiday in Altos de Lircay

On January of 2018, I went to the National Reserve Altos de Lircay, which is located 66 Km to the west of Talca, we stayed for two weeks in a camping that is inside the reserve called camping Antahuara. I went with my two parents, my brother and my cousin, we went hiking in four different hiking trails: Antumahuida, Retrincura, Laguna del Alto and El Enladrillado. It was the best because I rarely get to spend my holidays with my cousin and I really enjoy talking, playing and being with him in general, so those two weeks were a really good time in general. The El Enladrillado hiking trail was, in my opinion, the best of al the things that we did. It was very difficult in some parts, and the dirt you had to walk was often so slippery and the risk of falling was something that nobody really liked. But at the end, when we got to the end of the trail, the place called El Enladrillado was awesome, and the view was also amazing as you can see it in the picture, but getting there by yourself is a lot better.


  1. What a fun experience you had camping in that place, it looks very nice and interesting, thanks for your post

  2. What a great place! It looks like it has beautiful views. You are very strong haha, I could never go hiking, as I am very weak and if I walk too much I get dizzy. However, I hope that one day i could visit that place someday! thanks for your post.


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