What's like to study social work?

I’m studying social work in the Social Science Faculty of Universidad de Chile. At first I wasn’t sure if I realy wanted to study this career because I had a different idea of what the carrer was like, and also it was my second option so I was a little disappointed that I couldn’t study what I really wanted. But after a few months I started liking the carrer more and more until the point that I’m in right now where I can say that it’s way better than I expected.

I’m noy really a fan of the online format, it makes it harder to interact with my classmates and until late into the second semester I didn’t really talk with anyone. Mainly because I’m not the type of person that talks a lot, so the fact that I couldn’t see my classmates in person was a little annoying, but after some time I started talking with some of my classmates and it all turned out fine.

Also, I don’t dislike online classes as much as some of my classmates do, it’s harder in a way, but the fact that you can learn at your own time makes it more enjoyable, but this only works when the teachers can solve your questions not only in the class but also mails and the forum sometimes, but after all, I prefer the normal way instead of the online format.


  1. Something similar happened to me, at the beginning was very hard to talk with the classmates because I had never experienced meet people online. In case you wanna talk with someone, any question about something... you can send me a message :)

  2. Yes, it's hard talking to the classmates via online, but then I started talking with u and now we are friends and Im so happy about that!


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