Changes to my study program

Even though the study program is not quite as I expected, it is pretty good considering all the things. But there are some things I'd like to change, like the way that some classes are oriented, sometimes it feels like the subjects are way too far from what social work might be like, and the way to teach sometimes is too abstract that you can't even imagine how to put together and apply everything.

I also feel that there were moments in the semester where it felt like you had nothing to do apart from connecting to the classes and reading some textes, but there were also other weeks where it seemd like everything was tearing apart with all the academic overload. And even sometimes, when I had to help in my house with all sort of things, the days flew away and I couldn't read anything without me noticing it.

I have not been able to see the faculty in detail, and even tho I didn't need help with all the online classes issues that some other people have, the solutions that the faculty gave where kind of efficient. 

In my opinion, the main problem that online classes have is that sitting next to a computer, tablet or cellphone, depending on whatever the student can use, has become a little boring and not interesting at all, but I don't really know how that could get fixed.


  1. I agree with you... to me, study online is kind of depressed because I'm alone with my computer trying to understand the content of the class.


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