Life during and after the pandemic

 During the pandemic people had to change a lot of things in their common days to be able to accomodate to the moment we are living all around the world. Almost every person had to change their method of working since they had to stay inside their houses due to the quarantine, so they started working from home. The fact that we had to stay home to help reducing the number of infections provoked that people that used to exercise outside had to adapt and do it inside their houses.

This same problem also interrupted some people that worked selling things in the streets, and also affected a lot of Pymes that had to change and start selling their products online posting their services in pages like instagram or facebook. Besides the problem of having to stay inside, I also think that people who have familiars with high risk of contracting covid have a lot of issues with how limited their actions can be since they have to be extra cautious with the things they go outside to.

Having to wear masks to protect each other is another thing that I don't think it's a problem but a lot of people act like it is, I don't understand why some people refuse to use the mask like they should, it's not like the rest of us are enjoying that we have to put it on, but it's supposed to help al of us. The last problem that I think we have now is that some people really like, or in some cases need going outside, I've heard a lot of people that really need to go outside more frecuently because they can't stand staying inside their houses for a long time, I personally don't have that problem, but I understand a little why they do, and I don't feel like I can blame them anything.

I think that life after the pandemic will be a little strange, I mean, everyhing will probably stay the same after the years that passed during all this covid problem, maybe some people that are more paranoic will start wearing masks everyday or something like that, but I don't see life after the pandemic changing that much.


  1. Oh, I think the same as you, it's really sad

  2. The pandemic is terrible, let's hope all of this can pass soon.


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