What kind of job would I like

I’m actually not sure what kind of job I would like to have, I have always been interested in helping other people in being able to get through their problems and obstacles. But asides from that I’m not exactly sure of what I want to do or where I want to work. What I do know is that I prefer working indoors, not because I don’t like being outside, but I prefer not having to walk that much if it’s for work. I don’t think that traveling is something I’d like, again, it’s not someting that I dislike as an activity, but having to do it because of work is what annoys me. If I had to travel somewhere it will be nice if I get the chance of when and where to do it, also I like staying inside and doing things near my house, so having to walk or travel for work is not what I have in my mind.

I don’t care that much about the salary, as long as it is enough for me to live without concerning about money. There are some things that I’d like to have in a future tho, but if my salary is high enough that I can have a decent economic status and aford to buy those certain things I’d be really happy and satisfied about it. I’d like to take a major, but I’m not sure which one, and it’s not something that is in my mind right now, so I’m taking it easy at the moment.

Some people say that I lack of ambition, and I agree with them, but I also dont think it is a problem at all. I just keep my ideals and hope that I can get the things I want in the right moment, so for now I'll just keep things like they are.


  1. I agree with u, for me, it's hard to think what kind of work I would like to have, so i don't know yet, like u.


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