A country I'd like to visit

I'd like to visit Canada, because my aunt went to live there like four years ago and I've wanted to visit her and my little cousin that are living in Montreal. I don't really like the weather in Canada, but as long as it's not winter when I visit them it should be ok.

I know Canada is a country that has two languages, english and french. I also know that winter is so cold in Canada, and the streets usually get so filled with snow that people sometimes can't leave their houses or use their car.

If I visit Canada I'll like to spend time with my aunt and cousin more than searching for things to do, if they want me to see some place or want to go to a park, I'll probably just follow them. If I get the chance. But I'd really like to visit a park since I believe there are some pretty amazing ones. And also, I'd like to go outside and just walk some time when it's dark, I know it can be dangerous because I don't know the place, but I'd really enjoy it.

I'd like to study in Canada for some time, I wouldn't like living or working there because I don't like winter or the cold, so I'll prefer if I can choose to stay there just in spring or summer.


  1. The snowy wheater is so cool! I dunno how you can't like it. Anyways, thanks for showing me a little part of Canada, I would like to visit it too.

  2. Canada is a really nice country, but I also don't like the cold weather. I wish I could visit this country one day

  3. Wow, Canada seems to be a very nice place, I hope you can go someday!

  4. Good work. In the third paragraph instead of I'll it should say I'd like to spend some .....


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